Serbian Tomato Salad

Serbian tomato salad
Serbian tomato salad



  • 500 g tomatoes,
  • 150 g onions (young or mature),
  • 200 g cucumbers,
  • 1 hot pepper,
  • a bunch of parsley,
  • 80 g oil,
  • salt to taste.


  1. Clean and cut onions. If it is a mature onion, slice into strips, if the onion is young – cut into rings. Sliced onion, mature one, wash to remove the bitterness. At the same time crumple it a little.
  2. Fresh cucumbers wash, peel and cut into rings or half rings. Wash tomatoes (choose only healthy, hard ones) and cut into pieces that are suitable for a fork prick. Cut peppers  into thin strips.
  3. All combine with onions, add salt to taste and pour oil. Stir carefully to keep the whole tomato pieces.
  4. Pour into a salad bowl and sprinkle finely chopped parsley.


If you do not like hot peppers, you can substitute it with a regular sweet pepper. also cut into thin strips.


If beside the word salad does not stands the name of ingredient of which it is composed, in Serbia all points to this salad. It is so present in a Serbian cuisine, from early spring until late fall, that all the other salads, that have also been prepared in Serbian cuisine are unmatched with this one.

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