Serbian flat bread = “Lepinja“.
Kaymak is a creamy dairy product, similar to clotted cream. It is made from the cow’s milk.
* Ingredients for 4 persons :
- 4 pieces of “lepinja” (Description and how to prepare given in the section: Preparation of “lepinja”)
- 300 g of beef
- 150 g of lamb
- 150 g of pork
- 100-200 g of onion (chopped by hand to small square pieces)
- 2 table spoons of black ground pepper
- salt according to taste
- parsley according to taste
- a small cup of cooking oil for smearing over the roasting meat – skinless sausages (ćevapi)
- 200-300 g of kaymak or milky sour cream if kaymak is not available
* Preparation of skinless sausages:
- Cut all three kinds of meat to bigger pieces, grind them with the meat grinder (they could be ground all together), knead the ground meat well and thoroughly. As longer as you knead it skinless sausages will be tastier and palatable after roasting. Than, grind the kneaded meat one more time with the meat grinder.
- Add salt and black ground pepper to the prepared meat and whisk it well to make the compact mixture of it. Form approximately the thumb sized pieces (maybe little thicker), to about 3” (7-8 cm), by hand or with the sausage machine (optionally), sort them into the casserole and leave it to stay for a while. If you prepare meat for skinless sausages today for tomorrow, staying in refrigerator it would be OK.
- The best way to roast the skinless sausages is with the barbeque coal, but if there are no conditions for that, it could be grilled in a well oiled casserole. They are the most delicious and with the unique taste when you broil them on the barbeque. Roast them until done – when they get roasted brown look with a soft oiled surface.
- Now prepare “lepinja-s” for further processing.
- When the roasting of skinless sausages approaches to the end, cut “lepinja-s” horizontally with the wider knife. Put for 2-3 minutes all the inner sides of “lepinja-s” over the still roasting skinless sausages to draw its taste and smell, to become soften and to resorb its succulence, then turn around “lepinja-s” to their outer sides to do the same.
- Take off “lepinja-s” from the roasted skinless sausages, smear over both inner sides of “lepinja-s” with the kaymak (or with the milky sour cream if kaymak is not available).
- Put about 10 -12 pieces of roasted skinless sausages into each “lepinja”, add chopped onion over the skinless sausages according to taste, add a bit of ground red hot chilli pepper (according to taste-or omit it if someone doesn’t like hot chilli pepper).
- That’s it! Ćevapi u lepinji sa kajmakom, or skinless sausages in flat bread with kaymak are now ready for serving to enjoy this unique and famous Serbian specialty. For more person, proportionally upgrade the ingredients quantity. Have a good appetite enjoying this amazing taste and smell of this famous Serbian food.
If “lepinja-s” are not available in your baker shops, the preparation of “lepinja-s” comes first and here is the recipe how to prepare that:
* Preparation of “Lepinja” for 4 persons:
“lepinja” is a kind of mild salty, round shaped pieces of bread about 15cm in diameter and about 4cm thick. This traditional bread could be found in any baker shop in Serbia as very tasty final product, and it could be combined with many meals instead of bread, especially with kebabs when prepared in a way this recipe describes. If you can not find “lepinja” as a final product in your local baker shop, here is the recipe of “lepinja” preparation.
* Ingredients :
- 500 g wheat flour (type 500 for bread – not type 400 for cookies)
- 40 g of fresh yeast
- 1/2 small spoon of sugar
- 1 small spoon of salt
- 4 dl (=0,4 l) of lukewarm (mild hot) water
- 1-2 small spoons of cooking oil (to smear the casserole)
- 1 egg yolk (to smear the top surface of “lepinja-s” before baking.
* Preparation
- Pour the flour into the vessel making the dent in the middle of it, crumble the yeast there and add 1/2 small spoon of sugar. Add salt and configure it along the inner edge of the vessel.
- Add lukewarm water and make a soft dough. Mix it 5-10 minutes as long as your fingers start to feel crackling airy bubbles.
- When you have made the dough, pour the 1 or 2 spoons of cooking oil along the edge of the vessel and slowly turn around the dough watching that oil surrounds all sides of dough.
- Cover the top of the vessel with a transparent folio and leave it to stay for a while until dough raise up.
- When the dough raised up, slowly turn it around and leave it for a while to keep raising. Repeat this turning around two times more.
- After the third time when the dough was raised, take the dough out of the vessel and put it on the flour sprinkled working panel (table), divide the dough into 4 approximately equal balls.
- Each dough ball roll into the sprinkled flour on the working panel and put them onto the white baking paper which was sprinkled with flour previously.
- 10 minutes later, form the shape of each “lepinja” spreading out the dough balls to the measures described above, gently using your hands and fingers. Leave them to stay for about ten minutes more.
- Then, on the top surface of “lepinja-s” make some crossed net lines with some sharp object (knife, paper edge or so), and smear out this dough top surface with an egg yolk using a small brush or a goose pen (like in old days), and then stab the dough by all sides with a fork.
- Firstly, Warm up the oven at the lowest level, after that, put the oiled casserole with the “lepinja-s” into the oven, turn the oven’s temperature to 230 degrees of Celsius and start baking about 15-20 minutes until “lepinja-s” get a golden color. When the baking process has been finished, pool out the “lepinja-s “from the oven, fold them into some thicker tablecloth to become soft. Now, the “lepinja-s” are ready for serving.
They are ideal for “ćevaps”, stews, soups, various smears etc.
Thanks for visiting our site.Just be patient a little and we shall do something for you in the near future.We are preparing nice and delicious breakfast.
Our best regards and best wishes in A New 2014 Year!
Veselin, Serbia
Ćevapi are skinless sausages in English and not kebabs! Kebabs is not an English word but an Arabic one! Therefore you’re translation is completely incorrect and is an insult to both the English and Serbian language.
Never EVER call ćevapi kebabs, please. Its a sin.