This fresh fruits cup - salad is very simple,quick and very delicious desert,fits to any common or celebrating situations.Really nice looking and tasty desert.
Fried breaded chicken wings should be served hot, as the main meal,contributed with french fries,mashed potatoes or with an special addition of cooked spinach.
Fried breaded zucchini should be served hot,with the main meat meal (mostly,any sort of fried breaded steaks),contributed with french fries or mashed potatoes.
Fried breaded chicken breast steaks should be served hot, as the main meal, contributed with french fries or mashed potatoes.Really, tasty and advisable recipe.
Rinfleisch recipe takes the origin from the Germans who lived in Vojvodina (Serbia) area in Austro-Hungarian times. It is necessary sundays village people lunch. Really nice, tasty, light and healthy lunch.
Goulash,very delicious meal,should be served warm with cooked noodles or with the mashed potatoes,as a lunch main meal and contributed by many kinds of salads.
Fresh cucumbers salad could be arranged,decorated and served as an very tasty and healthy contribution to any main meat meal or fried breaded vegetable meals.
Fresh cabbage salad,as an tasty and unavoidable contribution to any main meal (mostly meat meals),could be decorated,arranged and served in appropriate vessels.
Domestic cooked fresh cabbage can be served warm as a main meal without any contribution or salad, except bread.Really enjoyable,with its extraordinary taste.
This is an old Serbian village,or city,grandmothers recipe and should be served hot,as a main meal,contributed by the mashed potatoes with many kinds of salads.
The old Serbian traditional meal,especially its extended version with kaymak,which enriches the taste of this meal.Really,an extraordinary delicious recipe.
An old Serbian recipe,tasty contribution for all occasions to main meals like: filled and baked peppers with sour cream,steaks,chicken meat,fried duck,fish etc.
Traditional Serbian domestic Sunday chicken soup usually serves before main meal,as tasty introduction to a Sunday solemn main meal lunch, to family or guests.