Lazy Walnut Pie

Lenja pita sa orasima (Lazy walnut pie) - ingredients for 4 people: 200g margarine, 100g lard, 400g sugar, 4 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 600g flour, sachet of baking powder...
Lazy Sour Cherry Pie

Lenja pita sa višnjama (Lazy sour cherry pie) - very common dessert in Serbian households. Ingredients for 4 people: 200g margarine, 100g lard, 400g sugar, 4 eggs...
Lazy Apple Pie

Lenja pita sa jabukama (Lazy apple pie) - very common dessert in Serbian households. Ingredients for 4 people: 200g margarine, 100g lard, 400g sugar, 4 eggs...