Cabbage Heads Pickling

The pickled cabbage could be used in various cases as a salad (Cut to a smaller pieces) to a meat food addition, especially roasted meat, fried meat with the potato etc. The pickled head leaves are especially used for a…
Turshia (Turšija)

Turshia is an unforgetable addition to almost every kind of meat food, especially roasted meat, although some people like to eat it alone. Really tasty and healthy, containing a lot of Vitamin C.
Chocolate Kiss Cake

Chocolate Kiss Cake Recipe - This is great sweet cake for the occasion such as Valentine's day. Crust ingredients: 8 eggs, 8 tablespoons sugar, 8 tablespoons...
Homemade White Bread

Homemade white bread - natural and healthy. Ingredients: 700g white wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar, slightly warm water...
Lazy Walnut Pie

Lenja pita sa orasima (Lazy walnut pie) - ingredients for 4 people: 200g margarine, 100g lard, 400g sugar, 4 eggs, 2 cups of milk, 600g flour, sachet of baking powder...
Lazy Sour Cherry Pie

Lenja pita sa višnjama (Lazy sour cherry pie) - very common dessert in Serbian households. Ingredients for 4 people: 200g margarine, 100g lard, 400g sugar, 4 eggs...
Lazy Apple Pie

Lenja pita sa jabukama (Lazy apple pie) - very common dessert in Serbian households. Ingredients for 4 people: 200g margarine, 100g lard, 400g sugar, 4 eggs...